Our Mission
Our Vision
Dirty Laundry Linen Service is a professional laundry service focusing on the hospitality and special event industry. We achieve excellence by providing unparalleled service, timely delivery, and superior cleanliness of product. Our professional, motivated and spirited team, ensures our success.
To become the premier laundry service to the hospitality and special event industry. Not just the largest but the best in quality, service, and integrity.
Our 11 Points of Culture
Uniqueness is a value that we must appreciate about each team member as well as our company. Uniqueness has contributed to our success and has kept us focused on our unparalleled business approach.
Excellence is never easy to do, but it is a quality that our customers appreciate because it is so hard to find. We must work hard to achieve it in our own lives and even harder to deliver it to our customers.
Growth is a value that never ends, we must agree that it is a part of a lifelong journey. We must help each other grow 1 % each day and in tum we will make each other and our customers better.
Customer Service
We not only meet a customer's expectation but exceed the expectation and do our best to make the customer feel as if they are the only customer.
We can achieve Quality by a Strict and Consistent commitment to process standards that achieve excellent uniformity in order to exceed our own expectations as well as our customers.
Honesty is a part of our character that includes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity and truthfulness. When interacting with each other and customers we should remember the long-term consequence of a short-term gain.
Taking ownership for actions or decisions means the team member is being asked to explain why the did (or did not do) something. However, this should not imply that the team member that is taking ownership did something wrong.
Teamwork is when everyone on the team, no matter the position, trust in each other to fulfill the obligation to each other, the customer, and the business.
Leadership is more that just authority, we want to help each team member reach their full potential. We want to equip each other with the tools and strategies to not only maximize the success of the organization but also the lives of each team member and customer.
Determination is to never give up on each other, the customers or the challenges that arise in day-to-day business.
Happiness is passionately serving each other to bring smiles to our team, customers, and community.